Friday 7 October 2011

Franken #1:Deep Teal

I am so excited for today's post. This is my first Franken polish post (although it is not my first franken). If you don't know what Franken polishes are, they are new colors custom created from a bunch of different colors mixed together. I had a lot of fun through the past couple of weeks mixing new colors and I have a bunch now that I will be posting maybe 2 colors every week or so. I am terrible at choosing names for my colors so maybe you can help me out. 

This color turned out beautifully. It is a dark teal color with golden shimmer. I had a hard time taking pictures of this color because we rarely get sun anymore where I live. The pictures don't do it justice. Maybe the second one is a bit better.

I don't have a specific recipe but the original color was bright yellow !! :) I remember adding a metallic bronze color and a navy blue blackened color, maybe some touches of other colors as well.

Did you like it? Tell me what should I name it :)

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